Experienced Technician

For over 20 years Richard at Elite Water has been carrying out water pump repairs, sales and problem solving. Richard has extensive experience in servicing, repairing and the supply of pumps, for almost all purposes. His knowledge and skill in repairing pumps are second to none. To properly equip him to repairand service pumps.

Richard has earned a significant and growing reputation throughout Auckland and the North. Many plumbers and general consumers are now bringing their problems with
different types and brands of pumps to solve. They always leave with a good result and solution to their particular problem.

Are you considering a household water pump replacement? If your water pump is not worth repairing, Richard will let you know.

Not sure if it is worth servicing it instead?

Then Contact ELITE WATER today to explain your situation and budget and receive expert advice.

Contact Elite Water

Emergency Water Pump Repairs

When an emergency strikes, you want to know that you have a reliable Pump Technician to call. You can count on us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any emergency pump repairs.

Our pump service centre in Ruakaka, Whangarei services all pump types and pump brands however they specialise in water pumps, solar pumps, bore pumps, pressure booster pumps, UV filtration, submersible pumps, sewer pumps and drainage pumps.

Book a Pump Repair


Elite Water supply and fit a wide range of filters and filtration equipment to ensure your water quality is fit for purpose.

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